I have a confession to make. I am a HUGE Final Fantasy fan and have been since I was introduced to the series with the PC version of FFVII. In hindsight, I realize that seems strange...that PC import was by far the worst version of the game. I remember at the time that I really dug it because it reminded me of old Sierra adventure games, plus RPG elements and combat, and a real story (even if that story was rather confusing).
There are many things I like about Final Fantasy. I like the fact that each game is different, yet incorporates similar elements. I like the spectacle and the story, which is often more relatable to me than other JRPGs. I like the polish of the titles, a polish that other games rarely master. Its a combination that has become a bit rare in the current era--RPGs, especially RPGs aren't as common nowadays and they often don't do as well in sales. Those that do come out simply don't always gel very well. The last great JRPG I played was FFX12 (a game that I loved with a passion) and it's simply been way too long since a new FF has come out.
So, I think it's fair to say that 13 came on the scene with very high expectations. And though I know a little about the complaints leveled against the game, I started the game last night knowing very little about the game other than pictures of the characters.
My first impression was...man this is beautiful. I'm playing this on the PS3 (I hear the 360 version is significantly worse graphics-wise, but has a better frame rate...who knows if that's true or not b/c in side comparisons I could barely tell the difference). I think this was the first game I played where there was a scene that I actually had a hard time telling it was rendered, it was that good. Everything is very beautiful in this game, from the dark industrial look of Land's Edge (or whatever that first area is called), to the crystal sea after it. The use of color and grand vistas really gives the game an epic feel. Not only that, but the animation in the game is spectacular, well above that of other games and that really adds to the whole experience.
For the story, I don't know if I got enough of a glimpse at it to know what to think. I did not honestly like the introduction sequence for two reasons. The first was that it was very long, and it doesn't really do a good job of giving context at the start (the context shows up a bit later). I also didn't like the many character transitions which at one point had 3 different groups of characters doing different things in similar environments and were obviously designed to meet up at a central point. Not only that, the combat system really shows it's flaws at the beginning sections. And that gets into my next point.
The Combat System
So far I've heard a lot of people praise FFXIII's combat system, but I'm not convinced. Sure it's fast and frantic, but it's rather annoying simplistic especially at the beginning. I don't like the fact that you can only control 1 character; and they make the ATB guage fill so fast that it's hard to imput commands fast enough (even with the simplistic options available at the beginning). It's annoying to say the least. And while it does improve once Paradigm Shifts show up; I still don't see what they didn't just let you play all of the characters instead of having the other 2 CPU controlled.
I mean, FFXII did the same thing, but that battle system was complex enough that it didn't really matter. Movement and options really made that system work. But 13's happens in a static battlefield where you don't control the movement of the characters. It's certainly fast, but it's definitely not as interesting to me as 12's or 10's in regard to non-standard combat systems. The only bright spot is that I've heard that a lot more options open up later that expand on the system later, so maybe it will improve once there is more to do.
As for the leveling system...throughout the entire introduction (which lasts for about 2 hours) you don't have access to it. At all. But once you do, you find that the system is very similar to 10's Sphere Board. Except that it's harder to navigate and to see what your options are. I am curious how it's going to go as you can level up different paradigm, and as things go on you seem to get access to new ones which hopefully means some additional customization. That's usually been a problem with later FF's...most characters become virtually identical in the late game except for their special moves. Hopefully 13 will be different in that regard.
The Story
Not sure what to say about the story at this point. It seems pretty simple enough on the surface, but the datalinks really help flesh out the story and what is actually happening. It seems like a pretty dark beginning for a FF--they normally get dark later but this one starts out pretty dark right from the start. This one seems like likely candidate for a very bleak ending. The only problems I have is that the story doesn't really make sense at this point unless you read the data links; and the terminology is somewhat confusing i'Cie, fal'Cie, etc. Not that it's hard to figure out, but there isn't a lot of context to it in the start. Once the flashbacks start, things start to improve though. Characters stop being quite so 1-dimensional and interesting (even though the flashbacks are actually pretty short). I have a feeling that 13 might have one of the most character-driven FF stories every, and I see that as a good thing.
Still, I'm WAY early in the game, so at this point its hard to speculate where everything is going.
The Characters
So far I'm very interested in the characters. They all seem interesting, especially once the flashbacks start and some context is given for some of the character's motivations and attitudes.
Sasz is awesome during the start of the game. He's older, more experienced, and more 'normal' and as a result helps ground the cast more. So far he's my favorite.
Lightning, well I didn't really like her at the start. But it doesn't take long to understand her situation and mentality. She's broody and angry for a reason and the game also makes it clear that she isn't always like that. But, put her sister in danger with a strong sense of being inadequet and betrayed and she makes perfect sense. As a result, she quickly started becoming awesome.
Vanille I'm not so sure about. I don't get her accent. She's too bubbly. But she is damned cute and I love redheads so she gets a pass.
Hope...emo kid who like Lightning has a good reason for being sullen and pissed off. Not as bad as he could be, but very 1 dimensional at this point.
Snow...I like the fact that most of the cast have pointedly brought out his rather obvious character flaws. It makes me think that there may be more to his story and his progression from the douche he is at the start of the story and what he ends up being by the end. So I have hope for him.