I have another confession to make. I love coming up with new RPG scenarios and characters. It's a hobby of mine, one which I usually try to keep some of my writing skills from completely falling apart (and they really need some work).
The problem is, I've been having a harder time focusing lately. Made worse by the fact that I've been having a hard time keeping my interest up in any one thing. My ideas have been more haphazard than normal, as if my mind keeps pulling me in many different directions all at once. That makes it hard for me to settle on one thing. And it's even been interfering with me writing these concepts down. It's actually been a hard time getting a paragraph or two into something before my mind pulls me in a different direction.
I think the problem is my tastes are changing, but I don't really know where to yet. Nothing has really grabbed me by the balls and squeezed me till I can't pay attention to anything else.
But, I've been wanting to try my luck with a RPG set in a space setting for quite some time. I went ahead and bought the GURPS 4th Edition rule set specifically to try a new game system. And even with that I'm a bit mixed. I love the available options within the game, but I'm not 100% convinced that I'll like the game system.
Of course, the alternative is to try to find something else, adopt something else, or make my own. I think I'd like to make my own, honestly, but that takes even more time and effort and I'm not entirely sure I want to spend that much time with it.
And even with that, what to do with a space setting? I've got a fairly good concept for a character, but it's a bit generic to me. I'd really like to spice it up, but stay unique. Too many people spice up a character, only to make it less interesting in the process because it's not thought through enough or is too derivative in the first place. Amnesia, for example, is a good but very over-used tool. It's a great method for allowing the reader/player find out about the character through the course of the campaign--but at the same time it's been done to death.
Also, adventure style campaigns often work the best. My concept is relatively straightforward--that of a telepath/telekinetic high-tech thief and mercenary working for a mysterious interstellar agency whose agenda is not as friendly towards the character as it might at first seem. The character gets into trouble when she begins having doubts and hallucinations, including severe headaches, which suggest that what is happening to her isn't quite what she thinks it is. And she may not even be who she thinks it is.
That, unfortunately, is relatively clique and generic. It's been done before, and done again...and it might actually work as is but I'm not sure. Throw in some alien conspiracies, maybe it will work. But I'm not happy with it. And so I keep looking.
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