Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Level 80 Post Mortem

I have a confession to make. I had fully planned on blogging on my experiences to 80 in Northrend, but it simply didn't happen. There are a few reasons for this. One is simply laziness. The other, however, is the fast pace and relatively mechanical way in which I leveled to 80 which just made it less fun to write about.

I'm not saying I didn't have fun leveling. In fact it was a blast. But the process in which I did it (duoing with another mage), and the pace made it hard to keep track of everything without taking notes and that would have slowed me down significantly.

In the end, I made 80 in 11 days...1 day longer than Burning Crusade where it took 10 days to get to 70. However, 3 of those days I didn't even log in, so by game time we were significantly faster this time through. For those counting, we did Borean Tundra - Dragon Blight - Howling Fjord - Grizzily Hills, the Basin, and hit 70 in Zul Drak. We aren't actually done yet...we won't be 'done' until we've completed all of the we still have Storm Peaks and Icecrown to go but those we will do a bit later.

During the questing I only replaced one piece of gear--a epic trinket with a simple green trinket that has 44 INT and 55 Spell Power. There were a couple of other pieces I kept as well, including a back-piece which is clearly better than what I'm currently wearing but am not b/c I would loose too much crit. There might be a few more options in the final two zones, but I'm not sure about that yet.

Of course, I've now moved on to 5-mans and hopefully 10 mans will be an option soon. Naxx is certainly a starter zone, which IMO is a good thing. My guild has already run 2 runs (I was not one of the 'chosen' few that got to go--like all guilds this one has an 'in crowd' and I, being relatively new, am NOT in that category. Not a big deal, b/c 25- man is still where it is at, but it still shows some of the more obvious flaws in the guild structure that could come back to haunt them. It certainly hurt my first guild--caused it to crash and burn, so we'll see.

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