Monday, July 13, 2009

Star Ocean

Well, with my sister and her family in town I didn't get a lot of play time it (or more specifically more video game play time). But I did get to spend some more time with SO4.

I've been back into playing some console games, but SO4 was the first JRPG I've played in a while. Playing it right after Fable 2 really shows the difference in contrast between what is essentially a traditional JRPG and other different RPGs out there.

I wasn't sure how far into the game I was, but now I know...I'm pretty close to the end. Sure there are a bunch of side quests, and item creation quests to do--but I'm probably going to skip those. I've used a game guide for parts of the game, mostly because I didn't want to miss out on any of the endings--I don't have any intention of playing this game again anytime soon (hell, I'm lucky to have had enough time to play through it once and I still have a ton of new games to get through).

Like many JRPGs, the story takes center stage--but the story in SO4 is very fractured and random. In fact the best way to describe it is: Humanity begins exploring space. Random Shit Happens(TM). More Random Shit Happens (TM). Arch demon? WTF? UNIVERSE ENDING DUE TO RANDOM SHIT! AAHHHHHHHH

More seriously, the basic plot involves some form of extra-dimensional non-living entity using dark crystals to mutate life to make it easier for it to absorb the life-energy of other races, so it can use this energy to reform the Universe to it's own liking. Or something like that. Though half of the story really doesn't have anything to do with this. There's also a journey to an alternate dimension which serves as a major plot device involving the main character turning Emo for the next, and by far the largest segment of the game involving some Archfiend's return that doesn't have anything to do with the main plot at all.

So, for the most part, the story isn't the strong suit of this game. The characters themselves aren't too bad, except for Lymle, k? Her feature is to follow everything she says with k, k?

Despite the lackluster story, the game has been a lot of fun and I've clocked way to many hours in it. Current time listed in 70, though I'd say at least 30 of this involved me being idle and away from the console because I forgot to turn it off. :) So I'd say it's a pretty average length JRPG that can be completed in about 40 or 50 hours or so.

I might have some more specific thoughts about the game after I finish it, but right now I'm still wondering how it's going to end. It seems pretty obvious, but we'll see. Surprisingly, I've mostly liked the characters (except Lymle, and Faize), so I'm interesting to see how it turns out.

I also picked up a couple of movies this weekend, but I didn't get a chance to watch them yet: Push, and Knowing. I haven't heard much good about Push; Knowing is supposed to be good, but I'm not sure that I'll like it or not.

Either way, hopefully I'll get at least a little free time this week.

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