Monday, December 21, 2009

Being Sick...

Well, I spent most of this weekend being sick. So instead of doing all of the things I'd planned (including a ton of christmas shopping) I stayed at home and did nothing productive.

Instead I ended up spending most of Sunday playing WOW. Got my shaman to 80, and then spent some quality time getting it ready to do five mans. I decided that the best course of action would be to go Resto and heal. And I also decided to spend some more quality time with the new looking for group system.

I have to say, the LFG system is probably the single most important update to WOW in it's history. It's ability to simply the ability to form groups is a major deal, and it seems to avoid some of the major hangups of the system by automating it. And, by spreading it across many servers, the pool of potentials is much higher. Sure, getting into a crappy group will still happen, but so far it's gone well.

Of course, ever since I created my Shaman a long time ago, I have been Enhancement. And having never played a Resto or healing in a group, I was a bit nervous going into it. I spent a little time looking at the healing gear I'd collected...I'd been planning this for a while and discovered that I did have pretty much a full set of healing gear...minus a pair of shoes. So I bought myself a pair of crappy ilev 200 epic shoes for 180g no less, and then started studying.

I have a confession to make...I don't really know the Shaman Class very well. Though I've played it to 80, I'd never grouped with it and my play with that character was pretty sporadic. I am not up on what gear is good or bad, what enchantments I need, or anything else. Most of my LK rep levels suck, and my character was equipped with a combination of blues and healing greens I'd collected since around L74. My main weapon is a green dagger I got as an item drop no less!

So, doing some reading and some research I've discovered the following:

1. Gear Wise, Resto Shamans like Haste, Spell Power, and Crit in that order. This surprised me, I thought that MP5 would be higher on the list.
2. Resto Shamans do not stick with just Mail Gear...they will sometimes go for leather or cloth.
3. There isn't really a spell rotation that I can tell. Lesser Healing Wave, Riptide, and Chain Heal seem to be the main healing spells.
4. I can -barely- handle normal TOC...barely.

Though I had a lot of fun with it, I'm starting to wonder if Priest would be better suited for healing. Still, Shaman was fun and I had some good luck yesterday with groups so I don't know...

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