Monday, February 1, 2010

Mage Part 2: The Sequel

It seems wierd writing this post. I've spent a lot of time in WOW, but lately there hasn't been much to do since my old guild stopped raiding. Well, they didn't really stop raiding I guess...but they pretty much have stopped raiding with me. I decided to stay with the guild because their plan was to continue with casual 10 man groups, etc...but in practice there were too many people interested and I am not in that close circle of friends and so I find myself completely left out. The only thing worse than not raiding is to spend your time online hoping you might get an invite sometime.

My other RL friend in the guild is also not in that group and has gotten pretty ticked about it (he takes these things more seriously than I do). And he convinced me to check out this other 'tent pole' guild on another server. It happens to be horde and is apparently comprised of over 2,000 active members with over 20 active raiding groups.

'm not used to this sort of guild, and honestly I'm pretty leery of it. So I decided to create a new character on that server to check it out. So I created a new Mage as a Blood Elf. The guild's level requirements are low (level 10, lol), and they suggest creating a low-level alt to join with just so you can get a feel for the guild before you transfer. So that's what I did.

By origional plan was to just create a character, get to level 20 or so, going the guild and hang out there for a while. However, that was before I discovered that this guild only recruits during the first week of every month so I ended up having more time on my hands. And I ended up spending quite a bit more time with this character than I'd origionally intended.

So now, my Blood Elf Mage is level 45 and has about 700g to her name. She's a level 255 Enchanter, and level 275 Jewelcrafter. I had done the blood elf quests before, but otherwise I hadn't really leveled a horde character before. I don't think I'd call it 'fun' but it has been interesting to see the differences. Horde questlines are not as tight as the alliance side--there's much more moving around and they are more scattered. In that regard its more frustrating to level horde. It gets much better after level 30, though.

Mage leveling isn't much different than it used to be. It's still one of the slowest classes to level, IMO, with too much time required for eating and drinking. I've spent some time with both fire and frost leveling. When I originally leveled Mage I did it as fire. And I started with fire on this character, but I've now switched to frost and am finding that it is better in many ways. It requires more spell casts than Fire, but uses slightly less mana even though you cast more spells and is certainly more survivable. By the time 50 rolls around, Frost is clearly better than fire while leveling (especially now that you can have your water elemental up at all times with a glyph).

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