Friday, October 17, 2008

The New Black Temple!

Is A Joke.

I was wondering if there was a reason behind the BC raid nerf, or not. And after last night I'm sure that if there IS a reason then it has nothing to do with raid balance.

I remember when I first started Karazhan, and how my guild had problems with it (it's been nerfed several times since). We got through it and seriously started hitting the 25 mans and after that I pretty much stopped going b/c I was rarely online at times people still did it. Then about 6 months later, well into T5, I finally went back and was shocked at how different it was. They weren't assigning off tanks or single targeting--they just AOEd shit left and right. Stuff died so fast that you could barely get a 3 second spell of before stuff died. And all of those encounters which used to require some careful execution now merely consisted of running inside and AOEing.

That is now the new Black Temple. It's 25-man Karazhan. The only boss that still took more than a minute or two for us to kill was Council (that took us 5). And the only time we wiped was when our MT DCed along with 3-4 others at the same time on Illidan. When we rezzed, we proceeded to kill him in 1 metamorphosis.

As a fire mage, I had 0 mana problems. I couldn't use it fast enough. DPS basically varied between 1200 to 2400 depending on my crit rating and Hot Streak. Everyone's DPS was higher, the average jumped from 1200 to 1800. And I'm sure everyone was acting sub-par as they adjusted to the new rotations and talents. I certainly improved a lot over the course of the raid, which took a little over 2 hours from start to finish.

Despite being a joke, last night was also probably the most fun I've had in a raid in a long time. It was extremely fast paced, and while all of the encounters were easier, they also all felt different because of the way we were doing them. I was very, very happy with it and can't wait to see more of Sunwell.

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