Thursday, October 16, 2008

Patch Day 1 & 2!

Well, I haven't been blogging lots (this is still just for fun). And my interest in WOW has been rising again with the release of the new patch, which I knew would happen. So far it's been an interesting experience.

Patch Day 1

The install went pretty well, but I'm running Vista and it re-installed the entire WOW app to the \public folder...wierd, but interesting.

After the server was down. In fact it was down until about 11 PM that night (though interestingly SOME people were able to get online, for me the server never even appeared in the list for me to choose it. I spent a little time puttering around on a scrub character on another server just to check out the new Stormwind, but other than that I had a lot of fun watching Iron Man on BD!

Patch Day 2

I was really hoping that we'd raid last night. And so after I get home the first thing I do is try to get online. World Server Down! Yeah. Apparently Outlands, and Eastern Kingdoms were down most of yesterday. Kalimdor was still up, and eventually Eastern Kingdoms too, but Outlands didn't come back online until after 8:30. So, no raid. Well, I did manage to get into the final stages of an MC run which was interesting. The frost mage that went sustained 8000 DPS on Ragnaros and even though I was fire-specced with 11/50/0 I was critting him for 10k (apparently Rag takes double damage vs. frost?)

After that, I was going to spend some time on my Horde mage, but ended up getting on my 62 Druid instead when Outlands came back online after being down 8 hours. The leveling speed is definitely faster, and I managed to make 63 pretty quickly compared to what it used to take. My Feral Kitty's DPS was also much higher by about 100 DPS. Managed to pick up a few useful quest pieces too with some Hit on it, so my hit rating is now sitting at 64.

Tonight, hopefully the guild will actually raid. I want to get some practice with the new spec, and see how I perform. I also want to see if the BC raid nerf actually speeds up the runs, or if it really is just necessary to make it through the raids now.

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