Monday, September 27, 2010

The 2010 Fall TV Season

I realize that my posting to this blog is sporadic at best. And my interests are varied. I tried to do something of a regular write on True Blood during its Season 3 run, but for the most part failed in that. But, while I promise nothing I do intend to spend some time writing about the fall TV schedule, and some of the shows that I’m most interested in. This is just a heads up about this, but otherwise we’ll see how committed I am to it.

Right now I’m looking at Chuck and Fringe. There are a few other TV shows that I’m interested in checking out. The Event is one I’m interested in (and from what I’ve read had a pretty lack-luster premier). How I Met Your Mother, and the Big Bang Theory are two others. There might be something else I’ll check out (depending on what catches my eye). But no promises.

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