Well, I've had a few days to spend with RUSE. I've clocked in about 6 hours over the last 4 days or so...not a huge amount of time but not bad either. I'm pretty far into the single player campaign, which has some cool missions with it but a terrible story. It's bad enough to actually affect enjoyment of the game, in fact, and it's one of the first games where the inability to bypass most of the talking is actually painful.
As for the game itself, like many RTS games it is basically a complex game of rock-paper-scissors. Various units are very powerful against other units, but stupidly weak against others. One of the key aspects of the game relates to using this more effectively than your opponent. The use of combined arms, surprise attacks, and smart placement of units to take advantage of line-of-sight and surprise is critical to success and leads to a fairly metholodical strategy. It's not perfect, but the large size of the maps and unforgiving nature of the action does create a game that requires quite a lot of strategy and understanding of the units.
I think the game will really begin to shine in multiplayer. I haven't gotten a chance to try it yet, but I will soon enough I'm sure. I have at least 1 friend who has purchased it, and he is willing to give it a try. For now though I'm all about trying to finish the campaign. Which I may or may not do this weekend.
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